
Cleaners of DPF Units For The Motor Trade & Public

(Diesel Particulate Filter)

TUV Certified DPF Cleaning With Air Flow Tests

We will professionally clean and restore your existing DPF unit to its original efficiency at a fraction of the cost of replacing it with an original manufacturer part. Our DPF cleaning system is the most advanced in the world and offers a superior level of cleaning to any other system available.

Is your DPF blocked ? We will have your problem solved in no time!

  • DPF, CAT and SCR units cleaned
  • All makes and models
  • Cars, Vans, HGV, Plant and Machinery DPF units serviced
  • Air flow tested before and after cleaning with certified results printout
  • TUV Nord Certification, total removal of PM10 particles
  • No damage to DPF unit – 100% safe cleaning
  • Approved by most manufacturers, main dealers, AA, RAC and insurance companies
  • Fast turnaround, typically 24-48hr. Express same day service available
  • Collection and Delivery service available
  • 12 month / 50000 mile warranty, conditions apply
  • Unrivalled technical support

DPF warning light or Anti-Pollution warning light on? Don’t ignore it…

If your DPF warning light or Anti-Pollution warning light is on, please do not ignore it. Get professional advice, consider your options and attend to the problem. Leaving it will cause unexpected problems like sudden breakdowns and inevitably cost you much more in repair bills.

Flash Machine Clean
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle

We cover all makes and models.

Contact us now for free expert advice.

You will receive friendly & knowledgeable information and make huge savings over replacement costs.